
Liz Truss says LTNs ‘difficult’ for emergency services

Liz Truss says LTNs ‘difficult’ for emergency services

Last week, Norfolk County Council revealed it was exploring the possibility of introducing LTNs to restrict the movement of vehicles through residential areas.

LTN bollards are in place in East Oxford and Cowley, and these only allow pedestrians and bikers to pass.

READ MORE: Oxford LTNs: Call for residents and businesses to pass

Oxford Mail: Liz Truss has said LTNs cause a huge inconvenience to many people Liz Truss has said LTNs cause a huge inconvenience to many people (Image: Denise Bradley)

Their introduction in Oxford has provoked criticism from Cowley Road traders, who have said their concerns about the impact of the traffic measures on their businesses were “ignored”.

READ MORE: Oxford traffic: ‘Businesses must not be ignored’ in LTN row

Oxfordshire County Council has highlighted it continues to “receive a breadth of feedback including concerns and recommendations in relation to the LTNs including from residents, business owners and visitors to the city”.

READ MORE: Oxford LTNs and pollution: ‘Suffering’ residents feel ‘trapped’

Ms Truss has made it very clear to the County Hall leaders in Norfolk that she would not be in favour of replicating these traffic measures and would try to block any proposals in her constituency.

Oxford Mail: LTNs in Oxford LTNs in Oxford

She said: “I would be completely opposed to the imposition of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods on South West Norfolk.

“There is no evidence to suggest there is public support for such a move.

“And these LTNs cause huge inconvenience to many people.

“In particular they can make it more difficult for the emergency services to operate.”

READ MORE: Oxford restaurant owners: ‘We have been ignored’ over LTNs

Campaigners in favour of LTNs have argued they are good for the environment and encourage a shift away from car ownership to active travel.

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At a recent council meeting, County Hall’s cabinet member for highways Graham Plant confirmed the authority was investigating the option.

He also promised to work with local communities to reduce the impact of unnecessary traffic in neighbourhoods and support active travel.

  • May 18, 2023