
Our Place near deal for Seacoast NH home for adults with disabilities

Our Place near deal for Seacoast NH home for adults with disabilities

DOVER — Our Place, a nonprofit seeking to provide adults with intellectual developmental disabilities with independent living opportunities, may have found its first home.

If all goes according to plan, a former commercial building in Dover could be converted to create apartments for 10-12 adults.

Laurie McIntosh, executive director of Our Place and its board of directors, stated they have reached a verbal agreement with the owner of the Dover property, which she did not identify because Our Place is still in active negotiations to secure the property.

Our Place near deal for Seacoast NH home for adults with disabilities

“We will be drawing up papers and once those are signed, we will have secured the property so that we can raise the capital to buy it and perform all the due diligence tasks to be ready to create our first home for adults with developmental disabilities,” McIntosh said. “The property we are looking at is near a bus route and there are sidewalks going into downtown Dover. There is plenty of parking, and we believe we can renovate this property to suit our needs.”

  • June 7, 2023