
Tough on knife crime? Don’t make me laugh

Tough on knife crime? Don’t make me laugh

Coun Gary Sumner must think Swindon residents are stupid. He states, with a straight face that the Police and Crime Commissioner has made knife crime a priority for the new Chief Constable.

That’s poppycock and we all know it.

Knife crime nationally and locally is on the increase while prosecutions are down and even third time offenders do not face a prison term.

Tough on crime – please don’t insult our intelligence.

Des Morgan

Caraway Drive


Tories out of touch

The former Leader of the Tory Group on BaNES Council says he was surprised that his group was wiped out at the recent elections.

This just shows how out of touch the Tories are, Conservatives on Wiltshire Council must have been pleased that they didn’t have to face the electors on the same day.

Terry Chivers



Parkinson’s group needs volunteers

Parkinson UK’s Malmesbury and District branch has issued an appeal for volunteers to help it continue to support people living locally with Parkinson’s and their loved ones.

Treasurer and committee member vacancies are available, and much of the work can be done from home at a time that suits you.

These are flexible roles with a big impact – the treasurer is responsible for the groups finances, and committee members organise activities and raise awareness of the group.

The Malmesbury group meets monthly and provides peer support, information, and activities to people living locally affected by Parkinson’s.

Around 145,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with Parkinson’s, including around 1,250 people in Wiltshire.

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The group is a lifeline for people in the local area who are living with Parkinson’s, but unless new volunteers step forward people could be left without the support they need.

If you can spare a few hours a month please volunteer to join our charity and work with the amazing people at our Malmesbury group – because with your support we really can change lives.

Parkinson’s UK is here for everyone affected by the condition. It funds research into the most promising treatments, and fights for fair treatment and better services.

There are around 365 Parkinson’s UK local groups throughout the UK, which are run by volunteers that are trained and supported by Parkinson’s UK staff.

The Malmesbury Parkinson’s UK group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, 2:30-4pm at Malmesbury Town Hall, Cross Hayes, SN16 9BZ.

For more information or to apply for these roles please contact Jane Henderson, Network Support Officer, on 0344 225 3694, [email protected] or visit

Jane Henderson

Network Support Officer

Parkinson’s UK

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  • May 17, 2023